Public Relations (PR) Subcommittee

When: The 4th Tuesday of the Month @ 7:00 PM

Where: The meeting location is 1311 E. Main St., Lakeland, FL 33801

For the most up to date scheduling and contact information please refer to the HASC monthly minutes located under the HASC Documents tab.

What: NA and Public Relations

“The principle of service, critical to the application of our Eleventh Step, is not a passive principle.  To be of maximum service to the still-suffering addict, we must energetically seek to carry our message throughout our cities, towns, and villages. We must take vigorous steps to make our program widely known.  The better and broader our public relations, the better will be able to serve.”  From NA Public Relations Handbook

Potential Projects include TV, Radio, Billboards, presentations to Police Departments, Hospitals, Community organizations, Booths at community events, etc.  Do you have an idea?  We are interested!

Come join us on the adventure of carrying the message throughout our cities, towns, and villages.